Hi folks, I am looking for a certain plugin which allows to embed JScript or Java into the pages of Jenkins. AFAIR did I see a plugin that allowed to implement active scripts into the description of a build job or the like.
Maybe you also now something better, so here is the explanation why I look for it. I use Jenkins to create software items and the correspondig release notes. We have due to SPICE a new requirement that must allow the testers to add important notes to the release notes like certain test results, failure of tests and so on. My idea was to implement a plain text editor - ideally in each job and best on the page where the build button and the parameters are located. I would like use something based on JScript or Java or what ever depending on a useful plugin that provides the functionality to implement 3rd party. one or more of the editors would then be available per job depending on the section where the information belongs to. This text will then be stored into a plain text file. It has to be streamed from a file inorder not to break the build process. I tried some while ago to stream the text via a text field but that is very problematic. There is a limitation how much text can be added because it all ends up in the ant target call. The limitation of the amount of characters in the CLI and all kind of "special characters like line break, dot, exclamation mark and so on can cause unpredictable build behaviour which ranges from builds going completely wild to simply not spawning. My optional approach would be to set up a simple web server which just hosts the editors and creates the files which can be used by jenkins. But I'd like to have everything on one page instead of spreading it around as the testers ain't familiar with Jenkins or the build infrastructure which makes this attempt a bit prone to errors. I would also be fine with placing the editor from an external source via an IFrame into the job description. Any suggestions? Thanks Jan