Good Evening Jenkins users, I have been trying to get my head around jenkins, and so far to sum up in a sentence, ¨It helps to do repetitive stuff like builds and updating code on websites¨
I'm hoping that the later is possible, because Ive just witnessed someone do the thing by hand, and my first thought was - hell no! I'm learning jenkins! A quick read over the home page showed various plugins - rundeck, gitlab, both of which we use, so I'm really hoping that I can glue this lot together, so that when a dev pushes his work to the repo, five minutes later, the new website is displaying all his mistakes in HD on a nice test URL. I have a feeling that jenkins can help me here - im all ears at the moment, i will really appreciate some advice. Right now, im spinning up a VM to practice getting my jenkins install going - and hopefully, i should be able to start to automate most of my day. Thanks