Quoting Steve K <steve.kerxha...@carestream.com>:

Hello Scott,

Thanks for your reply.

Now that you mention it, I'm NOT sure my ftp session has write permissions
on the target directory.
I'll need to double-check with the person who provided the username/login
to me.
I can tell you, however, that I receive a different message if I attempt to
write to a directory I know I don't have write access to (as shown below):
ftp> pwd
257 "/" is the current directory
ftp> put Hello.txt
200 PORT command successful
550 Hello.txt: Forbidden filename

I know I need to find out how to authenticate so that I will be able to
successfully send my files,  but, since the process fails, I think that the
FTP Publisher plugin should also cause the job to terminate with a FAILURE

I did check from the point of view of the target machine and verified that
the file I was attempting to send was not on the target directory.

I'll need to verify that I have been given proper access to the target
machine.  I'll post again after I know more, but, would you agree that the
plugin should cause a job FAILURE when the ftp "put" fails?

If you install the Publish Over FTP Plugin and set the "Verbose output in console" option, it will print every command sent and every response received from the FTP server.

Once you have diagnosed and fixed the issue, you could revert to the FTP Publisher plugin ... or not.

Thank you.


Steve K.

On Thursday, November 29, 2012 12:43:39 PM UTC-5, SA Evans wrote:


Are you sure your ftp session has write permissions on the target
directory?  Can you put files elsewhere on the target server (i.e. initial
directory when you first initiate the ftp session)?  Can you list other
files in the target directory (either with an ls or dir command)?

One other question... I assume you have direct access privs to the target
box - is the file there, just with incorrect permissions that prevent it
from being seen by the ftp session?

When I do a test of trying to put a non-existent file to a remote server I
don't even get the 200 PORT Command successful, but rather an immediate
File not found error.  So, that would seem to indicate to me that the ftp
session is finding the source file, it just can't write it.


On Thu, Nov 29, 2012 at 10:42 AM, Steve K <steve.k...@carestream.com<javascript:>
> wrote:

I'll add to my own question-in case it might help someone see what I'm

:: NOTE: This is the file I'm attempting to ftp:
C:\Jenkins\workspace\z_Try_FTP\Artifacts>dir /b BuildDependency.txt

:: Here's my interactive ftp session:
C:\Jenkins\workspace\z_Try_FTP\Artifacts>ftp ##.###.##.###
Connected to ##.###.##.###.
220 NASFTPD Turbo station 2.x 1.3.1rc2 Server (ProFTPD) [##.###.##.###]
User ( xxxxx
331 Password required for xxxxx
230 User xxxxx logged in
ftp> cd /A/Dir/On/Remote/Machine
250 CWD command successful
ftp> put BuildDependency.txt
200 PORT command successful
550 BuildDependency.txt: No such file or directory
ftp> bye
221 Goodbye.

:: Please note:  My "put" failed.   I'm not sure why, but it did.
   Interactively, ftp lets me know that the 'put' failed.
   The FTP Publish plugin, however,  led me to believe that it had
succeeded when, in fact, it failed--probably as a result of the same error
experienced in the interactive session.

My wishes are:
(1)  When the FTP Plugin fails to copy a file, it should detect the
failure and cause the job status to be "FAILURE".
(2)  I'd like to know why my FTP is failing.  I connect to the remote
machine OK, but, when I attempt to "ftp put" the file, I'm slapped with a
"No such file or directory" error.

Any ideas?


On Thursday, November 1, 2012 4:27:56 PM UTC-4, Steve K wrote:


The console output leads me to believe that the file was successfully
FTP'd, but the file does not actually show up on the destination machine.
Here is the relevant portion of my console output:

Connecting to 10.555.55.555
current root dir /TOP
current root dir /TOP/subdir1/subdir2
transferred 1 files to subdir1/subdir2
Transfered 1 files.
Finished: SUCCESS

Do you have an idea of what is going wrong?

Thank you.

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