Hi everyone -

Thanks for your quick responses!

This isn't for a build (at least in the sense that it generates an 
artifact) it's part of an automated deployment process that we have set up. 
 The first step calls a small batch script which verifies that the user is 
in a specific group if the ENVIRONMENT parameter is not dev (using the 
Conditional Build Step plugin).  It seems to get through the condition 
checking fine, then stalls when it hits the batch file.  Here is what the 
configuration looks like for the first step:

      <condition class="org.jenkins_ci.plugins.run_condition.logic.Not">
      <buildStep class="hudson.tasks.BatchFile">

As you can see, I've got it configured to run multiple builds concurrently, 
which seems to work - it definitely takes up two executors when I try to 
run two jobs at the same time, and makes it as far as checking the 
conditions specified in the step above.  It only stalls when it hits 

The contents of that batch script are:

@echo off
set i=0
set user=%BUILD_USER_ID%
echo "Checking if %user% is member of %group%..."
for /f %%f in ('"net user %user% /domain | findstr /i %group%"') do set /a 
if %i% gtr 0 (goto :member)
echo "FAILURE: Authentication check failed.  You are not authorized to 
deploy in this environment."
exit 1
echo "SUCCESS: Authentication check passed"
exit 0
So ti really just requests a user's group info from the domain, and fails 
the build if the user is not in the correct group.  At first I thought it 
might be a file locking issue of some sort, but these are in two separate 
workspaces, each with their own copy of the script...

As far as post-build steps go, for this job I only have a small postbuild 
groovy step that publishes some audit information on the build page.  We 
use a similar pattern on a couple of other jobs, and all have this same 

If it woulld help I can post the config.xml file for the job?

Thanks again!


On Wednesday, November 28, 2012 4:49:40 AM UTC-7, cjo wrote:
> You might also want to check what build steps and post build steps you 
> have enabled in the job, as some of them such as the warnings plugin 
> require the previous build to have completed. 
> As they declare that the step needs the previous build to complete, to 
> perform the correct actions. 
> they use the BuildStepMonitor as used in [1]. 
> e.g. the warnings plugin needs the previous build to be complete so that 
> it can calculate new / fixed warnings counts.
> [1] 
> http://javadoc.jenkins-ci.org/hudson/tasks/BuildStep.html#getRequiredMonitorService()
> Chris.
> On Wednesday, November 28, 2012 1:16:07 AM UTC, RobertK - Seattle wrote:
>> Or… are you sure you didn’t configure it to only have on executor at a 
>> time?  I manually configured my install to do that, so somewhat-related 
>> build processes on my machine didn’t trip over each other.  
>> *From:* jenkins...@googlegroups.com [mailto:jenkins...@googlegroups.com] 
>> *On Behalf Of *Mark Waite
>> *Sent:* Tuesday, November 27, 2012 5:10 PM
>> *To:* jenkins...@googlegroups.com
>> *Subject:* Re: Jenkins on Windows box
>> Are you sure it is not something in your build script (not in Jenkins) 
>> which prevents multiple builds from running concurrently?  Jenkins is able 
>> to run multiple builds concurrently in the tests I've run, without blocking 
>> one job behind another.
>> Mark Waite
>> ------------------------------
>> *From:* Bill Wonch <bill....@gmail.com>
>> *To:* jenkins...@googlegroups.com 
>> *Sent:* Tuesday, November 27, 2012 5:17 PM
>> *Subject:* Jenkins on Windows box
>> Hi everyone -
>> Quick question, but it's causing some frustration for our developers. 
>>  Hope you can help!
>> We have a deploy job that is configured to run concurrent builds, but 
>> when I execute more than once, the second job will wait for the first to 
>> complete before running the first step (it does send out build start 
>> notifications before pausing).  Anyone seen anything like this before?  Any 
>> idea what I can do to fix it?
>> If it's helpful, I'm running jenkins.war from Tomcat 7 on a win XP 
>> machine.
>> Thanks!
>> Bill

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