hi Sven,

there you go:

<target name="getBuildNumberFromJenkinsBuild">
        <get src="http://YOURSERVER/job/$
{buildName}/api/xml?xpath=/*/nextBuildNumber" dest="buildNumber.xml" />
        <xmlproperty file="buildNumber.xml" />
        <property name="buildNumberToUse" value="${nextBuildNumber}" />
        <delete file="buildNumber.xml" />
        <echo message="Using build number to '${buildNumberToUse}'" />

To make this work you need to insert the correct URL of your Jenkins 
instance and the job name you want to get the build number from. In our 
case we pass this in as the property buildName, but for a first test you 
can hardcode it. Or maybe you don't need it configurable at all.

Hope that helps.

Kind regards
Andreas Schilling
CAE Processes & Data Management
Dipl. Inf. Andreas Schilling
Senior Software Architect

Science & Innovation
Bernhäuser Str. 40 - 42
73765 Neuhausen
Tel: +49 - 7158 - 17 15 - 673
E-Mail: andreas.schill...@twt-gmbh.de
Geschäftsführung: Dimitrios Vartziotis, Joachim Laicher (stv.)
Registergericht: Amtsgericht Stuttgart, HRB Nr. 212778
Umsatzsteuer: ID-Nr.: DE147841145

Von:    Sven Finsterwalder <sab...@gmail.com>
An:     jenkinsci-users@googlegroups.com
Datum:  21.11.2012 10:34
Betreff:        Re: Re: GetBuildnumber of started downstrem Job groovy
Gesendet von:   jenkinsci-users@googlegroups.com

Hi Andreas,

yes please give me the snippet.
I will try it.


Am Mittwoch, 21. November 2012 08:48:52 UTC+1 schrieb Andreas Schilling:

as far as I understood the point is that the order of job 
execution/triggering is important because the build number you want to 
have can then happen to be off by 1 or something? 
If you need the build number of a downstream job at a very specific point 
in time (e.g. right when the upstream job starts but has not yet triggered 
the downstream job) I'd suggest to include that into your build script. I 
can give you a snippet for ant that does that. 

kind regards,

Andreas Schilling
CAE Processes & Data Management
Dipl. Inf. Andreas Schilling
Senior Software Architect

Science & Innovation
Bernhäuser Str. 40 - 42
73765 Neuhausen

Tel: +49 - 7158 - 17 15 - 673
E-Mail: andreas....@twt-gmbh.de
Geschäftsführung: Dimitrios Vartziotis, Joachim Laicher (stv.)
Registergericht: Amtsgericht Stuttgart, HRB Nr. 212778
Umsatzsteuer: ID-Nr.: DE147841145

Von:        Sven Finsterwalder <sab...@gmail.com> 
An:        jenkins...@googlegroups.com 
Datum:        21.11.2012 08:40 
Betreff:        Re: GetBuildnumber of started downstrem Job groovy 
Gesendet von:        jenkins...@googlegroups.com 

Good morning, 

is there no one who can help me? 


Am Dienstag, 20. November 2012 09:44:24 UTC+1 schrieb Sven Finsterwalder: 
Hi Andreas, 

thanks for that. 

But what if there are some other builds between the startet 
I will explaine it: 

MainJob starts two downstream-jobs (deployment- and test-job) with some 
specific parameter. 
The deploymentjob could be used while the MainJob has triggered the 
So if i use your line of code, i will not get the buildnumber of right 

Am Dienstag, 20. November 2012 09:26:51 UTC+1 schrieb Andreas Schilling: 
Hi Sven! 

You were nearly there :-) 

println(project.getFullName()+ ' ' + project.getNextBuildNumber()); 

If you need the current build number you have to subtract 1. 

Kind regards,

Andreas Schilling
CAE Processes & Data Management
Dipl. Inf. Andreas Schilling
Senior Software Architect

Science & Innovation
Bernhäuser Str. 40 - 42
73765 Neuhausen

Tel: +49 - 7158 - 17 15 - 673
E-Mail: andreas....@twt-gmbh.de
Geschäftsführung: Dimitrios Vartziotis, Joachim Laicher (stv.)
Registergericht: Amtsgericht Stuttgart, HRB Nr. 212778
Umsatzsteuer: ID-Nr.: DE147841145

Von:        Sven Finsterwalder <sab...@gmail.com> 
An:        jenkins...@googlegroups.com 
Datum:        20.11.2012 09:13 
Betreff:        GetBuildnumber of started downstrem Job groovy 
Gesendet von:        jenkins...@googlegroups.com 


i try to get the buildnumber of a started downstream Job with groovy. 
Currently i got this: 

def deploymentJob = 


 List<AbstractProject> childs = deploymentJob.getDownstreamProjects() 
 for (Iterator<AbstractProject> iterator = childs.iterator(); 
iterator.hasNext();) { 
           AbstractProject project = iterator.next(); 
How can i now get the buildnumber of the DownstreamJob? 
I have read the documentation but i can not find a way to do it, please 
help me. 


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