You can easily move the workspace of the jobs, On slaves, this is just setting the Remote FS root for the slave, and the workspaces will be created under that. (<yourserver:port> /computer/<slave>/configure)
On Master you can configure workspace to use a different directory to that of Jenkins home. "Workspace Root Directory" under the Advanced section of configure jenkins page <yourserver:port>/configure You can also relocate the builds records/artifacts using the other option in this section if required. On Tuesday, November 13, 2012 3:59:58 PM UTC, Stephen Tunney wrote: > > In the end, this is just annoying, but I have two separate volumes on my > build machine. 80GB volume for OS and framework build binaries (VC++ > runtime, SDKs, etc.) and > a separate volume for source code, build artifacts, etc. > > I would like to have Jenkins use a path such as > L:\jenkins\<JobName>\workspace and have it properly update the Perforce > workspace. > > L:\Jenkins ==> Would be some kind of variable set per slave jenkins build > machine > <JobName> ==> Obviously :) > "workspace" ==> Could be any variation of a relative path to tack onto the > end of the former pieces (ex. builds\p4workspace\1\etc\etc\etc)\ > > Can this easily be done with the Perforce plugin, or am I barking up the > wrong tree? > > Regards, > Stephen >