
the static analysis plugins hold their state in Maps. At least this has
been the state of affairs last tie i looked. Kohsuke supplied patches
that reduce this amount but when you have the count of warnings you
mentioned it is simply a problem of allocating memory to your
application server instance running jenkins.

At least as long as the storage backend of the analysis plugins is not

So the gist is: give your jenkins more memory and it won't commit
suicide anymore.



On 10.11.2012 08:33, Varghese Renny wrote:
> Check your build where you are mentioning ant task..take advanced option
> adjacent to it...there give jvm memory...
> as argument..
> On Fri, Nov 9, 2012 at 8:38 PM, David Weintraub <qazw...@gmail.com
> <mailto:qazw...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>     There's not a lot of jobs running on this. We're just getting
>     Jenkins setup, and maybe get one or two builds per day. The problem
>     seems to stem from the Analytic plugins: Findbugs, PMD, Checkstyle,
>     Warnings, and CPD. The build completes fine, but when it is
>     calculating the issues from the previous build to the present, it
>     runs out of memory (usually during PMD).
>     I never used Tomcat before and was wondering if it was related to
>     that because I never had a memory issue before. Last place where I
>     worked, we had six build executors and Jenkins was setup to use only
>     512mb of heap memory. Then again, these analytics are finding tens
>     of thousands of issues a piece. The last time PMD ran, it found
>     almost 65,000 issues with our code. Same with Findbugs. Even Javadoc
>     comes up with almost 1000 warnings. The Ant tasks run and complete,
>     but the Analysis of these issues is where I get memory issues. 
>     Maybe our code is in such bad shape that during the analysis Jenkins
>     gets depressed and commits suicide.
>>         You have to set JVM in two places, one for system, one for the
>>     particular job you are running..check it out.
>     Never thought of that. Where do I set Jenkins per job? Can Jenkins
>     spool a job separately? Or, is this only when it's running Ant
>     (where I can set the memory on a per job basis). The problem is that
>     this is a post-build task that's crapping out.
>     For now, I've just eliminated the analysis. Maybe I'll turn them on
>     one at a time once the developers decide to go back and clean up
>     their code.
>     On Nov 9, 2012, at 12:14 AM, Varghese Renny
>     <varghesekre...@gmail.com <mailto:varghesekre...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>     Hi David,
>>         You have to set JVM in two places, one for system, one for the
>>     particular job you are running..check it out..I think 2GB memory
>>     is more than enough for one job..You can analze it through
>>     monitoring plugin..
>>     Options are you can dump your heap memory to some location in your
>>     system and use some tools to anlayse those dumped memory to find
>>     any memory leakage..I think in eclipse one memory analyzer plugin
>>     is there. You can search some other better tools also..
>>     Regards,
>>     varghese
>>     On Fri, Nov 9, 2012 at 2:59 AM, Qazwart <qazw...@gmail.com
>>     <mailto:qazw...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>         At first, I was getting Out of Heap errors and increased the
>>         server's memory requirements to 1024m.
>>         Now I have a FATAL: GC overhead limit exceeded error.
>>         I'm running Jenkins 1.476 on a Redhat server running on Tomcat
>>         7.0.27.
>>         I have the following options set: -Xmx1024m
>>         -Xx:PrintGCTimeStamp -verbose:gc -XX:-UseGCOverhradLimit
>>         (The GC stuff I just added)
>>         I can see a full  GC constantly being called every second.
>>         This happens after the build is complete and after I am
>>         running the PMD plugin.
>>         Any advice? I've increased memory to 2Gb. This is the first
>>         time I used Jenkins with Tomcat. I'm wondering if there's an
>>         issue with Tomcat.
>>         --
>>         David Weintraub
>>         da...@weintraub.name <mailto:da...@weintraub.name>

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