I am trying to use the publish_over_ssh plugin to deploy files and run a .bat file. The userid used for the SSH has full control on the receiving server. The files deploy just fine, but the .bat file does not get run. I have set up the server in the main config Jenkins. Specified that server in the “Send build artifacts over SSH”. In the “Exec command” line is: C:\jenkins\test.bat
The .bat is in that directory and is owned by the userid that is being used to logon the ssh session. The .bat runs fine when run on the server or from an ssh session on the remote server. Here is what is returned in the console from the project: SSH: Connecting from host [xxx.xxx.com] SSH: Connecting with configuration [DeployServer] ... SSH: EXEC: STDOUT/STDERR from command [C:\jenkins\test.bat] ... SSH: EXEC: completed after 401 ms SSH: Disconnecting configuration [DeployServer] ... ERROR: Exception when publishing, exception message [Exec exit status not zero. Status [255]] Anyone have any ideas what I need to update? Thanks.