
I am trying to set up a Jenkins project with the ClearCase UCM plugin. Our 
build system is based on oobs and ivy and we use the dependencies defined 
in ivy to determine what needs to be built. I wanted to use the changeset 
generated during a build job for further processing inside that job. So my 
first question is whether it is possible to access this changeset ? I found 
some groovy code on stackoverflow (http://stackoverflow.com/a/6261180) 
illustrating this concept for other SCM-systems, but I don't know if this 
can also be used for the ClearCase UCM plugin.

I also wanted to know what is included in the changeset produced by the 
plugin. What I actually want, is a changeset consisting of the difference 

   - the most recent INITIAL baseline on a stream and
   - the most recent BUILT baseline.

I will be using the stream in self-polling mode. Then I want to rebuild all 
modules (our modules are sub-directories of our UCM components) and their 
dependees that have been changed since the last BUILT baseline. If the 
build would fail, the baseline would not be promoted to BUILT and the next 
run should rebuild also all changed modules from that run.

Actually it is more complicated then I thought when I started writing this: 
if nothing would have been changed between two INITIAL baselines, then it 
doesn't make sense to start a new build anyway. So I realise now I need two 
changesets: one to trigger a new build (based on the difference between the 
previous INITIAL baseline) and a changeset based on the difference between 
the latest INITIAL and the latest BUILT baseline.

Has anybody else done something similar ? Can the current ClearCase UCM 
plugin be used for this ?


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