Usually that means the environment in which Jenkins is executing does not know 
the path to the perl installation.

Create a job, assign it an action to echo %PATH% and then you can see the 
environment which Jenkins is running.

> From: "Levin, Ilya" <>
>To: "" <> 
>Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2012 6:19 AM
>Subject: RE: calling perl scripts from jenkins
>That is exactly what I did.
>The problem is that Jenkins doesn’t recognize the perl command.
>I have Perl on my machine, i can run the command via command line.
>Somehow I need to show Jenkins where perl is.
>(tried with Env Variables – doesn’t work).
>Thanks again. 
>[] On Behalf Of mitesh makhija
>Sent: יום ה 25 אוקטובר 2012 14:12
>Subject: Re: calling perl scripts from jenkins
>Create a job.
>Through build, add build step, you can use either Execute windows batch 
>command or Execute Shell.
>If I select Execute Windows Batch Command, In command I can call perl script.
>perl c:/
>On Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 5:35 PM, Levin, Ilya <> wrote:
>Seems to be quite a simple task but still unable to achieve this.
>How can I call a perl script from inside Jenkins?

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