I created one more job named continousBuild.
This job check out the base svn url http://sources/svn/Repos/Trunk/aggregation, and then run the three jobs on the working directory - using trigget/call build on other projects. I configured the continousBuild poll scm to work every minute (* * * * *) in order to stop building the tree jobs if there were no changes in svn update. Two problems: 1. This configuration make the three jobs job1 job2 job3 to run although the changes were only in one svn sub directory. I need that if the svn update find changes only in one url subfolder the continousBuild will trigger the specific sub job to run, for example: if the http://sources/svn/Repos/Trunk/aggregation/lib1 changed the continousBuild need to run only job1. How can I do that? 2. basically the poll SCM doesn't work correctly - when there is no changes to svn the build stop but after it found a change the build run every minutes. I expects that when it found changes the build will run once and in the next build the poll SCM will not find changes and will stop the build. Thanks