Thank you. It returns OK now, but the view keeps the same configurarion.

-----Mensaje original-----
De: [] 
En nombre de Daniel Beck
Enviado el: miércoles, 24 de octubre de 2012 19:41
Asunto: Re: Rest API for view manupulation


try with --auth-no-challenge. IIRC it depends on whether Jenkins is set up to 
allow anonymous access whether this is required.


On 24.10.2012, at 14:19, David Mata Gorriz <> 

> Hi.
> I have problems with REST API for view manipulation. Every thing I send is 
> forbidden. Do you now if this is an issue? I didn't find it in Jira.
> A small example with wget y my Linux.
> wget https://mytestserver:8443/jenkins/view/MAIN%20VIEW/view/app3/config.xml 
> --post-file=conf.xml --no-check-certificate  --http-user=adminciuser 
> --http-password=password
> --2012-10-24 14:06:11--  
> https://mytestserver:8443/jenkins/view/Desglose%20Core/view/app3/config.xml
> connected.
> WARNING: cannot verify -----  certificate, issued by ------
>   Unable to locally verify the issuer's authority.
> HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 403 Forbidden
> 2012-10-24 14:06:11 ERROR 403: Forbidden.
> Thanks.
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