Hi Marc

Like Jes describes you can locate the view-root using *%workspace%/view* or 
you can simply use *%**CC_VIEWPATH%*
It in the documentation for the 
the header "Build Variables":
*Build variables*

The ClearCase UCM plugin introduces several build variables:

   - *CC_BASELINE*  the baseline being build
   - *CC_VIEWTAG* the view tag
   - *CC_VIEWPATH* the path of the view (the same as %WORKSPACE%\view)


Lars Kruse

On Wednesday, 17 October 2012 15:31:23 UTC+2, marcdb wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying to setup Jenkins with the ClearCase UCM plugin from Praqma.
> We are currently using Ant+Ivy as buildsystem.
> All our buildtools (JDK, Ivy, Ant etc...) and buildfiles (build.xml, 
> ivy.xml) are under version control, and are thus included in the ClearCase 
> view.
> The ant executable and build.xml file are always stored in the same 
> location relative to the view-root directory.
> When configuring a build job on the Jenkins console, I would like to call 
> ant with such a build.xml file stored in ClearCase.
> To do this, I need however the viewroot directory. One solution would be 
> that we could set the name of the viewroot directory when configuring the 
> buildjob. I have seen that this is an enhancement request for the plugin, 
> so I can't use this option at the moment.
> Another solution would be that the name of the viewroot is available by 
> means of a parameter that could be used when configuring the buildjob.
> Does anybody knows if this is possible ? Or are there other alternatives ?
> Thanks,
> Marc

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