You probably want to look at the FilePath [1] documentation and use that in
the script. As for modifying the subject, you will need to upgrade to >2.22
for that.



[1] -

On Mon, Oct 15, 2012 at 5:27 PM, Bryan Hunt <> wrote:

> New subscriber here...
> I have searched through the archives looking for an answer but haven't yet
> been able to find a solution to my problem (even though it appears this
> question has been asked before)
> I have specific build output that I need to load into my email-ext script
> (a specially formatted version string) so I have the following code in the
> start of my groovy script which works fine if everything is executed from
> the master but fails otherwise
> <% def versionString = ""
> fr = new FileReader(build.workspace.toString() + "\\Build\\version.txt")
> if (fr != null) {
> versionString = fr.readLine()
> } %>
> Produces the following error:
>         Exception: javax.script.ScriptException:
> c:\jenkins\workspace\project_name\Build\version.txt (No such file or
> directory)
> ****
> So aside from the obvious need for a try/catch block does anyone have
> a recommendation for loading a file from a slave?
> Regards,
> Bryan H.
> P.S. Is there a way to change the MimeMessage.subject from inside the
> groovy body script (or do I have to ask my administrator to kindly update
> the plugin to a version > 2.22)?


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