I'm a beginner so just putting my opinion out there. You could use a single 
job if all the code repository is the same. This way you won't have to move 
artifacts around much.


Whichever projects are directly interdependent (those that require the 
other's binarys) - combine them in one job, keep the rest in separate jobs 
and use something like buildresulttrigger plugin or x-trigger plugin to 
set appropriate dependencies.

On Monday, 8 October 2012 12:03:32 UTC+5:30, Kenneth wrote:
> I'm trying to setup jenkins to monitor a solution with C++ and C# in 
> multiple solutions, but in one repository.
> (VS 2005 and .NET 2.0)
> How should I configure jenkins to build and test it?
> my suggested alternatives are:
> a) one job for each solution? - rather large jobs
> b) one job for each project? - many jobs. How do I handle the project 
> interdependencies?
> I've been looking at this for quite a while...
> I prefer b, but have been stuck on msbuild v.2.n and cannot figure out how 
> to handle references between projects..
> (There must be someone outthere that know how to build 2 c# projects with 
> jenkins, one that uses the other)
> thanks.

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