Well now, Dirk and Ulli, I have some analysis results in Jenkins, as it turns out. It just doesn't fall under my project murmur-events, it is a level below, which is weird.

Here is my project page:  http://callistosheart:8888/job/murmur-events/
Here is my project page for the latest build: http://callistosheart:8888/job/murmur-events/25/ Here is the page that displays the analysis result links: http://callistosheart:8888/job/murmur-events/murmur-events$murmur-events/25/testReport/

How can I get it to show up in the parent? Is this related to my setting the global Jenkins workspace to my eclipse workspace (c:\rob\comp\workspace), not having a global pom.xml, and having to specify my project pom.xml as 'murmur-events/pom.xml'? What to do, what to do? I would love this to show up in the parent.

Also, I do not see the duplicate code results (is that PDM? If so, then why three settings in the Jenkins project config for FindBugs, PDM AND duplicate code?).


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