Tchuss Ulli,

I have reporters, but no "actions", if those are a separate section of the xml. This is coming from the config.xml inside the jobs directory, and then inside my project directory.

Here is the reporters section...


 <hudson.plugins.checkstyle.CheckStyleReporter plugin="checkstyle@3.31">
   <pluginName>[CHECKSTYLE] </pluginName>
   <thresholds plugin="analysis-core@1.47">
 <hudson.plugins.findbugs.FindBugsReporter plugin="findbugs@4.44">
   <pluginName>[FINDBUGS] </pluginName>
   <thresholds plugin="analysis-core@1.47">
 <hudson.plugins.pmd.PmdReporter plugin="pmd@3.32">
   <pluginName>[PMD] </pluginName>
   <thresholds plugin="analysis-core@1.47">
 <hudson.plugins.dry.DryReporter plugin="dry@2.32">
   <pluginName>[DRY] </pluginName>
   <thresholds plugin="analysis-core@1.47">

-----Original Message----- From: Ulli Hafner
Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2012 5:51 PM
Subject: Re: no code analysis showing up with my builds

Is there a Findbugs action in your job's config.xml file?

Am 03.10.2012 um 19:00 schrieb Rob Withers <>:

There are no logs for analysis tools in the console log.


-----Original Message----- From: Ulli Hafner
Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2012 12:47 PM
Subject: Re: no code analysis showing up with my builds

The analysis plug-ins log their results in the console log. Is there something printed out?
E.g. [FINDBUGS] Parsing...

Does your build produce the artifacts (e.g. FindBugs results XML file) that are read as input by the plugins?


Am 03.10.2012 um 17:05 schrieb Rob Withers <>:

I have the following plugins loaded:
1) JUnit Attachments Plugin
2) Static Analysis Utilities
3) Static Analysis Collector Plug-in
4) Checkstyle Plug-in
5) PMD Plug-in
6) FindBugs
7) DRY

My issue is no results are showing up when I do a build. I have enabled the project to get these results. What gives?


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