On Sep 28, 2012, at 4:46 AM, Lars Nordin <lnor...@internap.com> wrote:

> Are you upgrading versions at the same time? Is the new server on the same IP 
> network? 

I was not planning on upgrading versions at the same time.  The "old" server is 
only two revisions behind current, and I didn't see anything in the change log 
that would make me feel inclined to try to change anything more than absolutely 
necessary during this move.

The new machine is on a different subnet, but otherwise within the same 
Enterprise network address space.

> As far as the configuration, yes, it is just a matter of copying the Jenkins 
> directory - if I remember correctly.

That's what I was hoping, but I didn't find anything in the wiki regarding 
moving Jenkins to another machine, and so far things have not worked well in 
this instance.

At this point, it looks like Jenkins is actually starting up, but then you get 
gibberish when you connect to <http://localhost:8080/>.

Of course, all this is complicated by the fact that I'm running Jenkins on OS 
X, specifically version 10.7.3.  So, there's also the Mac-specific parts that 
could potentially go wonky.

> I ran into problems transitioning from a fairly old version of Jenkins to the 
> latest LTS release because of the transition from the obsolete Setenv plug-in 
> to the Envinject plug-in. The environment variables configured in setenv 
> configuration were lost once I edited the job on the new system, so I had to 
> re-configure those jobs to add the environment variables in the new format.

The "old" server is already on the new plugin for this case, so I don't think 
this should be an issue.

> Another issue I had was with firewall rules because the new Jenkins server 
> was not in the same IP network.

The network firewall rules shouldn't need to change in this case.  The host 
firewall rules are non-specific enough that they shouldn't need to change, 

> Was the old server upgraded from Hudson and are you installing Jenkins on the 
> new server and then copying the data?
> You might want to check for path issues in the configuration file and change 
> /var/lib/hudson to /var/lib/jenkins

No, the "old" version isn't anywhere near that old.

Brad Knowles <b...@shub-internet.org>
LinkedIn Profile: <http://tinyurl.com/y8kpxu>

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