Hi Is it possible/straightforward to execute a promotion remotely with a client such as 'curl'? My promotions are manually triggered and they require for a particular user to approve it.
I noticed that the URLs used has this format: http:// <jenkins_host>/job/<job_name>/<build_number>/promotion/promotionProcess/<promotion_name>/promotionCondition/hudson.plugins.promoted_builds.conditions.ManualCondition/approve I also noticed that the form data sent is: json:{"": "johndoe"} where "johndoe" is the username that approves it. So, I have tried this: curl --user johndoe:johndoepass -X POST -d 'json:{"": "johndoe"}' " http://jenkins_host/job/dummy/30/promotion/promotionProcess/mypromotion/promotionCondition/hudson.plugins.promoted_builds.conditions.ManualCondition/approve " but I get an "Error 400: Exception: This page expects a form submission" Has anyone done this before? Thanks. Regards.