Hi That link seems to be broken, but there is a cached version here:
http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:ApcN2jyhnwoJ:wiki.cloudbees.com/bin/view/Jenkins%2BEnterprise/Using%2BCloudBees%2Bplugins%2Bwith%2BJenkins+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=uk However, my reading of that page suggests one can only evaluate the Cloudbees plugins on Jenkins OSS. Perhaps I am misunderstanding it. David From: jenkinsci-users@googlegroups.com [mailto:jenkinsci-users@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of nicolas de loof Sent: 25 September 2012 16:16 To: jenkinsci-users@googlegroups.com Subject: Re: 'Even Load Strategy' Plugin 2012/9/25 David Aldrich <david.aldr...@emea.nec.com<mailto:david.aldr...@emea.nec.com>> Hi We use open source Jenkins but have a use case that would benefit from an 'even load' scheduler algorithm. I.e. where idle machines are preferred to the build machine previously used. I have just come across Cloudbees' Jenkins Enterprise 'Even Load Strategy Plugin'. I don't know yet what the licensing issues for this plugin are. I.e. can it be used with open source Jenkins? Cloudbees Enterprise plugin can be installed on Jenkins OSS -> http://wiki.cloudbees.com/bin/view/Jenkins+Enterprise/Using+CloudBees+plugins+with+Jenkins Perhaps a more suitable question for this list is: is there a similar plugin available in the public domain? Best regards David Click here<https://www.mailcontrol.com/sr/CN4xOaSAFWzTndxI!oX7UqpuQnERN3F7RaGuvNGkRgPv39BqTtGNs0X7SEkMlCHl240RU36wIKJca1YcpG8Zdg==> to report this email as spam.