It appears that I can do this by copying some artifacts. Den torsdag den 20. september 2012 06.53.51 UTC+2 skrev Kenneth:
> I want to use Jenkins to build projects, that are used by other projects. > How should it be done? > Should I use a matrix build? > > I would prefer small jobs that only build one project, and then can > trigger others, if they are using it. - I can easily trigger the build > between jobs, but how should I handle the references during compilation. > How should I make sure that the a.dll that uses the b.dll, can locate it > when compiling a.dll. > > I can of cause make a big job, that monitors all the source files, and > will build all if one changes. But that doesn't seem like an appealing path > to go. > > I running on Windows, C# and .NET and some C++. > > >