Scott, kicking off the build seems to have  deleted the old builds,
although I'm not seeing the diskspace usage go down the way I'm
hoping. I have a lot of builds to reconfigure and kick off though so
this make some time.

What do you mean by multiconfiguration builds?

On Thu, Sep 13, 2012 at 3:33 PM, Scott Evans <> wrote:
> Ed,
> Based on my experience, it will purge old builds (by date or quantity) only
> when a new build of that type completes.  In your case, once you run one,
> it'll should automatically delete the 91 "extra" builds which are no longer
> within the retention policies for that build type.  Note that it will keep
> the last successful build, no matter how many failures you have, so it
> should always keep the most recent successful build, no matter how old.
> Note that this might not occur properly with multiconfiguration builds, as
> I've seen them not clean up properly, but don't know if that's fixed
> recently or not.
> Scott
> On Thu, Sep 13, 2012 at 4:03 PM, Ed Young <> wrote:
>> I need to clear out some drive space on our build machine by deleting
>> old builds, but manually selecting each one and deleting it is too
>> painful.
>> If I change Max # of builds to keep from 100 to 10, will Jenkins
>> automatically delete the 90 that I no longer want, or do I need to
>> delete them by hand?

- Ed

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