I note you asked Ant mailing list, probably best place to get a workaround.

Some Ant tasks let you set path to JVM to use, so you can use Hotspot to
run Ant and J9 to compile and run tests.

<javac compiler="extJavac" executable="${j9}" ...

I assume this is where it makes much sense for your Dev team to ensure they
match the target environment.

2012/9/13 Sachin Kumar Saxena <sachin....@gmail.com>

> Hi Nicolas,
> Thanks!!
> Running build manually also failing of Window2008 server and works on XP.
> So it looks like an issue with ANT and J9 on Windows 2008 server.
> But as we need to have the same configuration of Ant and Java for our
> build, Can anyone suggest some workaround for this issue?
> Regards,
> Sachin K.
> On Wednesday, 12 September 2012 13:16:23 UTC+5:30, Nicolas De loof wrote:
>> Can you manually run a build with Ant + J9 on this slave ? If not this is
>> definitively an Ant / J9 issue on this OS
>> 2012/9/12 Sachin Kumar Saxena <sachi...@gmail.com>
>> Hi Richard,
>>> We have another Jenkins running with same ANT(1.7) and J9(1.5) on
>>> Windows XP and things are working properly there.
>>> So it reduces the changes of ANT not working properly with J9.
>>> Thanks for your suggestion to verify the J9 version on Windows 2008
>>> server.
>>> But our requirement is to use J9 1.5 as the EAR will be deployed on WAS
>>> 6.1 and dev team wants us to use the same JRE to build the project which is
>>> bundled with WAS6.1 i.e. J9 v1.5.
>>> Is there a way around to make this thing working.
>>> Thanks a lot for your help.
>>> Regards,
>>> Sachin K.
>>> On Wednesday, September 12, 2012 2:29:25 AM UTC+5:30, Richard Bywater
>>> wrote:
>>>> It sounds to me that you might be better off asking on the Ant mailing
>>>> list as it sounds like its the scp Ant task that is causing you
>>>> issues?
>>>> However I'd also check that the version of J9 you are using is
>>>> certified to work with Windows 2008 Server as perhaps there is some
>>>> security/access controls tripping it up.
>>>> Richard.
>>>> On Tue, Sep 11, 2012 at 10:01 PM, Sachin Kumar Saxena
>>>> <sachi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> > Hi All,
>>>> >
>>>> > Can someone please help here or point out the mistake if any i have
>>>> done
>>>> > with my configuration.
>>>> > I am using Ant 1.7 and my jenkins is installed on Windows 2008
>>>> server.
>>>> >
>>>> > On Tuesday, 11 September 2012 11:50:00 UTC+5:30, Sachin Kumar Saxena
>>>> wrote:
>>>> >>
>>>> >> Hi All,
>>>> >>
>>>> >> I am unable to find a solution for the problem i am facing with IBM
>>>> j9.
>>>> >>
>>>> >> In my ant script i am using SCP task to copy my build
>>>> artefacts(.ear) to
>>>> >> scp server.
>>>> >> When i am using Oracle jdks everything is working fine and i am able
>>>> to
>>>> >> copy my files to remote server.
>>>> >>
>>>> >> Problem starts when ant is running using JVM j9 jvm (1.5).
>>>> >> I am getting Net_Bind exception when scp task is executed.
>>>> >>
>>>> >> I have tried following permutations;
>>>> >>
>>>> >> Jenkins running on Oracle jdk 1.5 and Ant using Oracle jdk -- build
>>>> is
>>>> >> successful.
>>>> >> Jenkins running on Oracle jdk 1.5 and Ant using J9 -- Build failed
>>>> with
>>>> >> netbind exception
>>>> >> Jenkins running on J9 and Ant using J9 -- Build failed with netbind
>>>> >> exception
>>>> >>
>>>> >> Please help if any one have any idea what could be done to resolve
>>>> this
>>>> >> issue.
>>>> >>
>>>> >

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