I don't know what is supposed to happen, I just know that I recently configured 
a Jenkins slave node on OSX and it didn't work until I manually
installed both Java and Mercurial. Indeed, it would be nice if both happened 
automatically (Jenkins install Java and the Mercurial plugin install 
Mercurial). I wasn't aware of this page that you referenced or exactly what 
that implies. I read that page as saying that more tools, specifically 
auto-installation of SCMs, is needed (e.g. Mercurial). Why it specifically 
says: "Mercurial available as of 1.18" is indeed confusing (since it implies it 
is already supported, but is listed under missing tools).


-----Original Message-----
From: jenkinsci-users@googlegroups.com 
[mailto:jenkinsci-users@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of gili.tzabari
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2012 10:57 AM
To: jenkinsci-users@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: Mercurial automatic installer on slave node


     Are you sure? Looking at
https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Tool+Auto-Installation it says 
"Mercurial available as of 1.18". I thought this means that Mercurial supports 

     We really need someone to put up some sort of grid of operating systems 
and supported auto-installers. Also, note that in the past the JDK 
auto-installer didn't support OSX because Oracle JDK wasn't available. Today it 
is. Is anyone updating the JDK installer for OSX?


On 30/08/2012 10:52 AM, Chuck Doucette wrote:
> I believe you must manually install both Java (if you haven't already) and 
> Mercurial on the OSX node.
> It would be nice if Jenkins or more specifically its Mercurial plugin also 
> installed Mercurial automatically.
> Chuck
> On Aug 30, 2012, at 10:34 AM, Gili 
> <gili.tzab...@gmail.com<mailto:gili.tzab...@gmail.com>> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've configured a master node on Windows and a slave node on OSX 10.7. 
> I configured automatic tool installation on the master (including for
> Mercurial) and created a task that runs exclusively on the OSX node. 
> When I first the task it fails because Mercurial is not installed. It 
> seems Jenkins never attempts to install it.
> I'm new to clustering. How am I supposed to configure this? Am I doing 
> something wrong or is this simply not supported? I am using Jenkins 1.478.
> PS: I cross-posted this question to
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12185230/jenkins-how-to-configure-m
> ercurial-installer
> Thanks,
> Gili

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