> It's really simple, just run msbuild with the solution file as the project-
>  I used to use the MSBuild plugin, but for me, it caused nothing but 
> complications, expeciually with parameter parsing, escaping quotes etc.
> So, instead, put these commands in a cmd file that you keep under source 
> control Then call it from a "Windows batch file" build action 

> e.g.
 <build action text>

> REM Build for UserDocuments
> "%WORKSPACE%\In\Build\Jenkins-Build.cmd"
Jenkins-Build.cmd contents>
> call "%VS100COMNTOOLS%vsvars32.bat" > NUL:
> msbuild MySolution.sln
> It gets more complicated in real life:
set SLN_NAME=MySln.sln
ECHO == Build %SLN_NAME%
msbuild "%SrcFldr%\%SLN_NAME%" /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform="Mixed 
Platforms" /p:DefineConstants=%BuildType% /verbosity:%MSBverbosity% 
set BuildResult=%ERRORLEVEL%
if not %BuildResult% EQU 0 (
    echo ERROR %SLN_NAME% build returned non-0 return code = "%BuildResult%"
    goto FailedBuild

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