I am testing out the Ivy Project plugin. We use Subversion.

In order to integrate Ivy into our current Ant build system.  I
created an Ivy project in our Subversion repository called "ivy.dir'.
This directory contains a "settings.xml" file that points Ivy to our
repository and the ivy.jar file.

It also contains a file called "ivy.tasks.xml" that looks like this:

   <project name="Ivy.Tasks"

        <taskdef uri="http://ant.apache.org/ivy";
                <fileset dir="${ivy.dir}">
                    <include name="ivy*jar"/>
        <ivy:settings file="${ivy.dir}/ivysettings.xml"/>

 We use Subversion, so I simply tell all the project leads to add the
"svn:externals" on their project's home directory to attach this

This project contains the required "ivy.settings" file and an XML file
to include in their current build.xml file. This "ivy.tasks.xml" file
makes sure that everything is setup correctly.

The build.xml looks like this

    <project name="myproj"

        <property name="ivy.dir" value="${basedir}/ivy.dir"/>
        <include file="${ivy.dir}/ivy.tasks.xml"/>

Once that is done, the developers can use the various Ivy tasks in
their build.xml file.

I can do a "FreeStyle" build and everything works just fine. However,
if I try to set it up as an Ivy Project, Subversion checks out the
"build.xml" file, the "ivy.xml" file, and the "src" directory. It
doesn't checkout the "ivy.dir" which is the external Ivy project
directory that contains the "ivysetitngs.xml" file and the Ivy jar.

In fact, it doesn't even look like the Ivy Project is even running my
build.xml file. The console shows this:

    Building in workspace C:\Jenkins\jobs\test\workspace
    Checking out a fresh workspace because there's no workspace at
    Cleaning local Directory .
    Checking out svn://localhost/trunk/tc-common-all
    A         ivy.xml
    A         src
    A         src\main
    A         src\main\bin
    A         src\main\bin\daemon-server.sh
    A         src\test\java\propertyagent
    A         src\test\java\propertyagent\Conversation.java
    A         src\test\java\propertyagent\PMSConversation.java
    A         src\test\java\propertyagent\IHConversation.java
    A         src\test\java\propertyagenERROR: Subversion checkout has
been canceled
    A         src\test\java\propertyagent\Constants.java
    A         src\test\java\propertyagent\Conversations.java
    A         src\test\java\propertyagent\PropertyAgent.java
    A         src\test\java\StatSerializer.java
    A         src\test\config
    A         src\test\config\ParseTest.xml
    A         src\test\config\ParseTestBinding.xml
    A         src\test\config\log4j-junit.xml
    A         build.xml
     U        .
    Build was aborted
    Archiving artifacts
    Finished: ABORTED

The Jenkins error log says...

   Aug 22, 2012 1:02:41 PM hudson.triggers.SCMTrigger$Runner run^M
   INFO: SCM changes detected in test. Triggering  #4^M
   Aug 22, 2012 1:02:46 PM hudson.model.Run execute^M
   INFO: test #4 aborted^M
            at hudson.model.Run.execute(Run.java:1502)^M
            at hudson.model.Run.run(Run.java:1448)^M
            at hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSetBuild.run(IvyModuleSetBuild.java:282)^M

Any ideas?

David Weintraub

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