[shameless plug]

note that link will be changing to


CloudBees have an UpdateCenter plugin that allows Jenkins to serve it's own
UpdateCenter and allows easy configuring of that update center from other
Jenkins instances (i.e. it provides a plugin that you can download and
install into the jenkins instances that installs the required trust certs
for signed update center metadata)
[/shameless plug]

On 17 August 2012 12:02, Hui Shen <hihuis...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Guys, I meet the same issue.
> Then how can I generate an update-center.json JSON file that can be
> interpreded by Jenkins.
> We do have several plugins which will be used only inner our group, we do
> not like to deliver them to jenkins group.
> As a solution, I think we should put the plugins somewhere, and update the
> update-center.json to point out these plugin, but jenkins always report
> a signature or digest error.
> So my question is can any people head me how to write an
> update-center.json file that can be interpeded by jenkins.
> Thanks very much.
> 在 2011年10月13日星期四UTC+8上午1时52分40秒,grayaii写道:
>> We have a few Jenkins masters behind a firewall that I need to manage,
>> and I
>> would like to know if it's possible to create our own Update Center within
>> our firewall.  This will allow us to regulate all the plugins and Jenkins
>> updates for all our Jenkin masters.
>> Is there a way to do this?  I took a look at "simpleupdatesite" plugin,
>> but
>> the instructions are extremely vague.  Is there a way to create a custom
>> Jenkins Update Center, and if so, how?
>> Thanks!
>> --
>> View this message in context: http://jenkins.361315.n4.**
>> nabble.com/Alternate-Update-**Center-tp3898939p3898939.html<http://jenkins.361315.n4.nabble.com/Alternate-Update-Center-tp3898939p3898939.html>
>> Sent from the Jenkins users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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