I have a job, that triggered two another job, and then start some batch script. I want to block script execution, until triggered jobs are begun execution. What happens in fact: Job runs on windows VM node. It starts TestComplete network suite project, that use two another VM. So, purpose of two triggered jobs - turn on VM nodes (nodes are configured in such a way that they are turned off after idle timeout, and started when some job wait for it) and stay running on it (just ping itself), until TesComplete is finished distributed project. At the moment of starting TestComplete, I must have two VM already started (triggered jobs must go from queue to executor on those VM). Also I want to protect from situation, when needed VM is busy, and triggered jobs are stayed in queue and waiting (VM has only one executor). Is it possible to wait, until some job is running? Or how can I get build number of triggered job an get status of job by build number?