Is it possible to just delete the build?  I've seen builds from other jobs show 
up in a different job's list and since the build number was much higher it hid 
the test failures in the real build because it was the lastSuccessfulBuild due 
to the build number being so big.  I solved that problem by just deleting the 
offending build and it didn't affect the job the phantom build came from.  But 
you might not have the delete button since the phantom job is running.

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Richard Bywater
Sent: Friday, August 10, 2012 12:36 AM
Subject: Re: Immortal phantom build

I think the last few times that's happened to me its been memory related (e.g. 
out of PermGen). Think it spat some errors out to the Winstone wrapper.log.

Possibly not related to your issue but just in case...


On Fri, Aug 10, 2012 at 11:44 AM, Cliffano Subagio <> wrote:
> Hi,
> One of my Jenkins jobs is running (the job page showing a build in 
> progress), but the console output page only shows the spinning wheel 
> without anything else On the dashboard page, none of the executors is 
> running that job, all executors on all slaves are idle.
> I got the /threadDump output when it happened, nothing obvious that 
> screams error there.
> Any suggestion where else I should look to investigate what's causing 
> this problem?
> I can't stop that phantom job in progress, clicked the red x button 
> and the build stayed in progress.
> This is blocking the next build for the same job, which in turn blocks 
> my delivery pipeline.
> This happened few times before for the past few months, the workaround 
> was to restart the master, but it's obviously not our preference since 
> it takes a while to start back up.
> Cheers,
> Cliff.

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