On Thu, Aug 2, 2012 at 10:14 AM, Ronald Klop <ronald.k...@radialsg.com>wrote:

> Hi,
> I enabled the share feature of the Mercurial plugin. But I don't see how
> it works. Or maybe I don't understand how it works.
> I have a couple of jobs which use the same remote repository. I am under
> the impression that they wil share a local clone of the repository.
> Do I have to do more than check the checkbox in Jenkins? Do I still have
> to enable the share extension of Mercurial somewhere also?
> Ronald.

I found that the cache and share options need an user defined installation
of Mercurial. The '(default)' installation where 'hg' is guessed from the
PATH does not have extra options, so I was not seeing any change after
checking the cache and share checkboxes.


Ronald Klop
Radial Software Group B.V.

Korenmolenlaan 4
3447 GG Woerden
The Netherlands

T: +31 88 77 22 111
F: +31 88 77 22 110
E: ronald.k...@radialsg.com

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