
I'm new to Jenkins and so far I love it...but I have an issue integrating 
with Tomcat. I have Jenkins stopping and starting Tomcat via ant script. 
However I've found that Jenkins process-killer shuts down tomcat for me 
after it's finished. I've read 
https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/ProcessTreeKiller and have 
tried to disable it, however I run Jenkins through Tomcat, and I'm not sure 
how to disable the process killer when Jenkins is run as a simple web app 
on Tomcat 7. I tried to simply override the BUILD_ID variable like this:


to no avail. Even if that worked though, I'm wondering if there is a 
"cleaner" solution to starting and stopping Tomcat with Jenkins. When using 
ANT to start/stop it usually works, but not 100% every time. I've read 
about a tomcat plugin for Jenkins, but I think it doesn't stop/start Tomcat 
in the order I need it...basically my build script does a code checkout, 
compile, stop tomcat, replace war, start tomcat, run tests against newly 
deployed web app. 

Does anybody know the "correct" way to interact with Tomcat and Jenkins?


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