I found that after rolling back to Hudson stable instead of using the 
dev/milestone version, things worked right. I haven't written a pom.xml, 
but I the build succeeded without doing anything this time instead of 
hitting a class not found problem. So I think it will work once I figure 
out how to write a pom.xml

On Tuesday, July 31, 2012 6:01:57 AM UTC-4, Kenneth Miller wrote:
> I know that this is Hudson, but I was thinking that because Hudson and 
> Jenkins are so similar and that because there is much more activity in the 
> jenkins mailing list that this might be worth a shot.
> I just want either Jenkins or hudson to work building a very simple hello 
> world java project that is configured to use maven 3. While in the process 
> of doing this, I installed both Jenkins and Hudson to the same JBoss 
> instance. Jenkins version was the latest stable version, while Hudson was 
> (accidently, the M3 eclipse development milestone... or whatever that is 
> given on the installation instructions for the war deployment). I get an 
> exception when I try to build that is completely unrelated to my maven 
> configuration (pom.xml/whatever) or project, because it fails due to class 
> not found error. I'm wondering if I should fail back to the stable version 
> of Hudson or if I should switch my jdk installation instance from the 
> open-jdk that redhat uses or just straight up switch to jenkins (please 
> don't advocate this before I have a chance to completely explore the option 
> I have with Hudson, I'd prefer to have them both working). If I have to 
> install a different version of Hudson, do I delete ~/.hudson, and start by 
> reinstalling plugins and all?
> If I merely try and solve the current problem that I have, rather than 
> just running away from it, how can I look deeper into the problem that I'm 
> having? I don't know how to debug a jboss instance, although I do happen to 
> have EAP 6 and the JBoss development environment. If someone could just 
> point me in the right direction...
> please read below as well. I know it's long, sorry.
> ________________________________
> From: Miller, Adam A CIV SPAWARSYSCEN-ATLANTIC, 58500
> Sent: Tue 7/24/2012 2:45 PM
> To: hudson-...@eclipse.org
> Cc: winston.prak...@gmail.com
> Subject: RE: [hudson-dev] Error building
> I know you might get this twice, but I'm just denoting that it should go 
> to you.
> I'm running RHEL 5, which is pretty old. Yea, I wondered if it was the 
> openjdk that was causing it to fail too, perhaps I should try and look for 
> an upgrade for openjdk? I'm using hudson I think 3.0.0-M3 because it says 
> that in the url bar when I deployed it, I was pretty sure that I downloaded 
> the latest stable version. I deployed the war in JBoss EAP 6.
> I'm wondering if it has to do with the Bash variables that I have set, I 
> didn't set hudson home because it worked without it.
> ________________________________
> From: Winston Prakash 
> [mailto:winston.prak...@gmail.com<winston.prak...@gmail.com>
> ]
> Sent: Tue 7/24/2012 2:18 PM
> To: Hudson developer discussions
> Subject: Re: [hudson-dev] Error building
> Hi,
> Strange. Remoting is part of Hudson, so should not be the case.
> Could you tell us which version of Hudson are you using?. Also
> wondering if this could be anything to do with openjdk you are using
> which fails to load the class.
> - Winston
> On 7/24/12 10:56 AM, Miller, Adam A CIV SPAWARSYSCEN-ATLANTIC, 58500 wrote:
> > I'm kind of new to Hudson. I have a single build project, called test, 
> and I have only one remote repo, which it has synced from successfully.
> >
> > The only build objective that I have specified is "Invoke Maven 3" with 
> goals "clean install"
> >
> > But I get a funny error:
> >
> > https://gist.github.com/04da890df11378f3a427<https://webmail.east.nmci.navy.mil/exchweb/bin/redir.asp?URL=https://gist.github.com/04da890df11378f3a427>
> >
> > I don't know how to debug it or where to begin. All I have in my git 
> repo is a single main file containing a hello world example. I just want to 
> see hudson work-I wouldn't think that Hudson should fail for what this 
> exception trace is giving just because there's not a pom.xml file specified 
> for maven, but I'm not absolutely certain. Can someone help me out?
> > _______________________________________________
> > hudson-dev mailing list
> > hudson-...@eclipse.org
> > https://dev.eclipse.org/mailman/listinfo/hudson-dev<https://webmail.east.nmci.navy.mil/exchweb/bin/redir.asp?URL=https://dev.eclipse.org/mailman/listinfo/hudson-dev>

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