I think I found it...


This is for the LOCALSYSTEM account that is running my tomcat as a

On Mon, Jul 30, 2012 at 8:00 PM, Jeff <predato...@gmail.com> wrote:

> When I first set up Jenkins I configured many of the initial jobs to pull
> from SVN using my personal user credentials.  Once I got it working, I got
> our IT guys to create me a service account that is used to do the builds
> and changed all of my jobs to use the service account.
> This worked great until this morning when I had to change my password.
> There is something on the Jenkins server that has cached my personal
> credentials which it seems to be attempting to use before it tries the
> Service Account.
> By doing this, it keeps locking my account.  I am running on Windows
> server 2008 R2 x64 with Tomcat 7.  I have removed TortoiseSVN and SlikSVN,
> removed all cache folders I could find from my <LOCAL_USER>/AppData/
> folders, removed all subversion.credentials files from each job folder and
> reran all jobs, verified that the subversion credentials file has the
> Service Account, but it is STILL attempting to authenticate using my old
> password and I'm missing something.
> I fired up WireShark and verified that it is connecting and getting a
> HTTP/401 error for most of my jobs.
> Can someone point me to other places to look for SVN credentials?
> --
> Jeff Vincent
> predato...@gmail.com
> See my LinkedIn profile at:
> http://www.linkedin.com/in/rjeffreyvincent
> I ♥ DropBox <http://db.tt/9O6LfBX> !!

Jeff Vincent
See my LinkedIn profile at:
I ♥ DropBox <http://db.tt/9O6LfBX> !!

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