Hi, I was wondering if there are any suggestions about how I could perform a local check of "new warnings based on reference build".
The use case is where there are a number of warnings in the build that are tolerated because they are considered "legacy warnings", but we don't want to allow any new warnings to the code base. The current problem is that developers make code changes but can't find out if they've added any new warnings until after they've committed the changes and Jenkins has run the build. At that time the warnings plugin compares the current warnings with those found in the reference build and reports on them. Obviously it would be preferable if the developer saw that he was introducing a new warning before the commit. I've thought about creating a gradle plugin that would analyze the local sources and compare reported warnings to those in the reference build indicated by Jenkins, using code from the warnings plugin(s). But to the best of my understanding, this won't be possible without access to the *-warnings.xml files created by the warnings plugins (and the checksums in them) to detect if the local warning are old or new. Is there any way that this can be done with the information currently exposed by Jenkins? If the warnings from the reference build were also analyzed locally then nothing would be required from Jenkins apart from the reference build number and/or revision, but I'd rather not replicate building and analysis already done by Jenkins. Thanks for any ideas! - David