Where is the ant task running? In the same build or in a different build? 

If the ant task is running in the same build, you can assume the build is 
successful, as it should have aborted if an earlier build step failed. 

If the tas is running in a different build, you need to fetch the build status 
using XML API by GET $JENKINS_URL/job/JOB/BUILD/api/xml

-- Sami

Varghese Renny <varghesekre...@gmail.com> kirjoitti 24.7.2012 kello 13.56:

> Hi
>   i want to get build status for using in an ant task. But i am not able to 
> find an environment variable which contains the value of build status..
> Please help to get the value of build status?
> Any comment would be greatly appreciated.
> Regards,
> varghese

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