Hi folks,

I am facing some funny (well...not) situation.
My current project involves also some serious parallelization.

There is one main job doing some unspectacular operations like string split 
and compare in order to decide via conditional build steps which job has to 
be launched. So I call it the dispatcher.
The downstream jobs have all their own dedicate executor assigned while the 
dispatcher may roam to any executor available except for the dedicated ones.

So far so good. BUT the downstream jobs don't do run in parellel. There are 
several dispatchers running but all except one are on hold until the active 
has finished and the next one starts.
The build log says nothing. 
I can see that it finishes the last build step before the conditional build 
and then simply does nothing without any notice.

I have while troubleshooting set *"allow concurrent builds*" for the 
dispatcher and all the downstream jobs - no luck.
I removed the setting *"Block until finished"* in the conditional trigger 
step in the dispatcher - still no joy.

I know for sure that it did work with parallel builds. It was a major issue 
in the past and the reworked buildsystem did it as proof of concept the 
right way.
Do I miss some setting or does someone know this behaviour?


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