Some body please help me regarding this post. i have window 32 as slave and linux 64 bit as master. My job is to generate a war file after each build over the complete project and copy the war file to remote location(different machines) of tomcat folder and deploy the application. I have generated the war file. But still i have doubt regarding the deploy plugin about the fields i have to enter. so i put context path as my remote tomcat webapps location..(/usr/share/tomcat6.1/webapps) And my tomcat url as Both are my remote location tomcat6.1 url and context path of that tomcat.
I have doubt about the this context path and tomcat url i mentioned above.. Actually my machines are in same location. i have started my slave using jnlp. My build is only creating war file and renaming war file(for my purpose) but it's not copying war to remote location I need an example for doing this. Any help would be greatful for me. Thanks in Advance, varghese