
I´m using Artifactory 2.4.0 and Jenkins 1.438 and I have maven project with 
several modules. Need to deploy all modules(jars and one resulting war) 
into remote Artifactory server by Jenkins.

My user admin for artifactory was with default password (password) and all 
builds that I tried to execute on jenkins works fine.  So when I resolved 
to change de Artifactory admin password and update my settings with the new 
credentials of admin, I had the following error on jenkins build log:

Failed to execute goal 
org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-deploy-plugin:2.7:deploy (default-deploy) on 
project pilotoExemplo: Failed to deploy artifacts: 
Could not transfer artifact 
br.com.pilotoExemplo:pilotoExemplo:pom: from/to 
( Failed to 
transfer file:

Return code is: 401 

Anyone already saw this problem before? I don´t found anything like this 
search on the google.

Here is my settings.xml:

          <snapshots />

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