I noticed that in the polling.log of all builds it seemed to always be
getting and old revision.

On a whim, I made an innocuous change to my POM to force it to a newer
revision and now it seems to work.  Maybe it was an SVN (svnbridge -> TFS)
caching issue...or something.

Thanks for all the help.

On Tue, Jun 26, 2012 at 2:32 PM, Jan Seidel <wakkal...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Oh... I get it now ^^
> C:\Jenkins\jobs\[CB_name]\scm-polling.log contains the last revision
> number that has been polled
> C:\Jenkins\jobs\[CB_name]\builds\2012-[latest_date_and_time]\polling.log
> has stored the revision of the previous build. My suspicion is that there
> might be a problem.
> You could e.g. have read only read permission on the builds folder after
> upgrade (just one of many theories swirling in my mind right now ;) ) would
> the later builds and revions numbers not be stored and Jenkins could turn
> into a loop.
> Do your jenkins log or your system log complain about something?
> Am Dienstag, 26. Juni 2012 22:19:46 UTC+2 schrieb Jeff Vincent:
>> I pasted in my polling log...here it is again:
>> Started on Jun 26, 2012 1:56:00 PM
>> Received SCM poll call on  for DnaCommonDomain (trunk) on Jun 26, 2012
>> 1:56:01 PM
>> http://tfsapp06.myfamily.int:**8083/DNA/Common/**DnaCommonDomain<http://tfsapp06.myfamily.int:8083/DNA/Common/DnaCommonDomain>is
>>  at revision 156,395
>>   (changed from *156,279*)
>> Done. Took 1 sec
>> Changes found
>> What seems to be the issue is that after the build, the "(changed from
>> ...,...)" revision isn't getting updated since EVERY time it says it was
>> changed from 156,279.  The current revision of 156,395 is right.
>> So the question seems to be, where does the previous "changed from..."
>> revision of 156,279 come from and why isn't it getting updated to 156,395?
>> All my other jobs seem to work fine.  I've even deleted and recreated
>> this job from scratch.
>> The one interesting note is that this is the ONLY job created new using
>> the 1.472 version of Jenkins.
>> On Tue, Jun 26, 2012 at 1:44 PM, Jan Seidel <wakkal...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Jeff,
>>> honestly, I don't see the problem... the plugin works as expected as far
>>> as I can tell from the revision numbers.
>>> Jenkins notices changes in the revision number which obviously is true.
>>> You should take a look at the SVN history log to see what is happening
>>> in the meantime.
>>> The plugin respects that "last revision number" not equalizes to "last
>>> changed revision". So a change is only considered when the last changed
>>> revision changes. And that's how it also is supposed to work.
>>> Are you or someone else amending the svn properties?
>>> That's not always noticed on first glance but it is a valid change too.
>>> And I actually think that's where your problem is located. The job is
>>> started due to changes discovered by the scm polling but the file content
>>> has no changes. So the change has happened somewhere else.
>>> btw. the last changes jenkins works with is located in the folder of the
>>> jenkins build job that works with polling. The file is called
>>> scm-polling.log
>>> Take care
>>> Jan
>>> Am Dienstag, 26. Juni 2012 21:15:49 UTC+2 schrieb Jeff Vincent:
>>>> I should also mention I'm running Jenkins 1.472 with all updates for
>>>> all plugins I'm using.
>>>> On Tue, Jun 26, 2012 at 1:08 PM, Jeff <predato...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> We are polling SVN, so I assume that is the plugin being used.
>>>>> Here is the head of the job log:
>>>>> Started by an SCM change
>>>>> Building in workspace C:\.jenkins\jobs\**AAACommonDoma**in
>>>>> (trunk)\workspace
>>>>> Cleaning local Directory .
>>>>> Checking out http://tfsapp06.mycompany.int:****8083/AAA/Common/**
>>>>> AAACommonDomai**n<http://tfsapp06.mycompany.int:8083/AAA/Common/AAACommonDomain>
>>>>> A         pom.xml
>>>>> A         src
>>>>> A         src\main
>>>>> A         src\main\java
>>>>> A         src\main\java\com
>>>>> A         src\main\java\com\mycompany
>>>>> A         src\main\java\com\mycompany\**AA**A
>>>>> A         src\main\java\com\mycompany\**AA**A\dal
>>>>> A         src\main\java\com\mycompany\**AA**A\dal\sql
>>>>> A         src\main\java\com\mycompany\**AA**A\dal\sql\BaseDAO.java
>>>>> A         src\main\java\com\mycompany\**AA**
>>>>> A\dal\sql\AAACountQuery.java
>>>>> A         src\main\java\com\mycompany\**AA**A\dal\sql\AAADeleteQuery.*
>>>>> *java
>>>>> A         src\main\java\com\mycompany\**AA**A\dal\sql\AAAInsertQuery.*
>>>>> *java
>>>>> A         src\main\java\com\mycompany\**AA**
>>>>> A\dal\sql\AAASaveQuery.java
>>>>> A         src\main\java\com\mycompany\**AA**A\dal\sql\AAASelectQuery.*
>>>>> *java
>>>>> A         src\main\java\com\mycompany\**AA**A\dal\sql\AAASQLQuery.java
>>>>> A         src\main\java\com\mycompany\**AA**A\dal\sql\AAAUpdateQuery.*
>>>>> *java
>>>>> A         src\main\java\com\mycompany\**AA**A\domain
>>>>>  A         src\main\java\com\mycompany\**AA**A\dto
>>>>> A         src\main\java\com\mycompany\**AA**A\dto\SqlDto.java
>>>>> A         src\main\resources
>>>>> A         src\test
>>>>> A         src\test\java
>>>>> A         src\test\java\com
>>>>> A         src\test\java\com\mycompany
>>>>> A         src\test\java\com\mycompany\**AA**A
>>>>> A         src\test\java\com\mycompany\**AA**A\domain
>>>>> At revision *160606*
>>>>> no change for http://tfsapp06.mycompany.int:****8083/AAA/Common/**
>>>>> AAACommonDomai**n<http://tfsapp06.mycompany.int:8083/AAA/Common/AAACommonDomain>since
>>>>>  the previous build
>>>>>  Parsing POMs
>>>>> Here is the Polling log:
>>>>> Started on Jun 26, 2012 12:36:00 PM
>>>>> Received SCM poll call on  for AaaCommonDomain (trunk) on Jun 26, 2012
>>>>> 12:36:01 PM
>>>>> http://tfsapp06.mycompany.int:****8083/AAA/Common/**AaaCommonDomai**n<http://tfsapp06.mycompany.int:8083/AAA/Common/AaaCommonDomain>is
>>>>>  at revision
>>>>> *156,395*
>>>>>   (changed from *156,279*)
>>>>> Done. Took 0.83 sec
>>>>> Changes found
>>>>> On Tue, Jun 26, 2012 at 12:55 PM, Andrey Myatlyuk 
>>>>> <myatl...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>>>>> Jeff,
>>>>>> Which plugin are you using to poll SCM? Can you post jobs logs?
>>>>>> Andrey
>>>>>> On Tue, Jun 26, 2012 at 10:51 AM, Jeff <predato...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> I have a small job that says something has changed every time it
>>>>>>> polls SCM, yet the revision numbers are always the same.  How do I fix 
>>>>>>> it?
>>>>>>> I can't see where Jenkins stores the last revision it is using to
>>>>>>> determine if something changed.
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Jeff Vincent
>>>>>>> predato...@gmail.com
>>>>>>> See my LinkedIn profile at:
>>>>>>> http://www.linkedin.com/in/**rje**ffreyvincent<http://www.linkedin.com/in/rjeffreyvincent>
>>>>>>> I ♥ DropBox <http://db.tt/9O6LfBX> !!
>>>>> --
>>>>> Jeff Vincent
>>>>> predato...@gmail.com
>>>>> See my LinkedIn profile at:
>>>>> http://www.linkedin.com/in/**rje**ffreyvincent<http://www.linkedin.com/in/rjeffreyvincent>
>>>>> I ♥ DropBox <http://db.tt/9O6LfBX> !!
>>>> --
>>>> Jeff Vincent
>>>> predato...@gmail.com
>>>> See my LinkedIn profile at:
>>>> http://www.linkedin.com/in/**rje**ffreyvincent<http://www.linkedin.com/in/rjeffreyvincent>
>>>> I ♥ DropBox <http://db.tt/9O6LfBX> !!
>> --
>> Jeff Vincent
>> predato...@gmail.com
>> See my LinkedIn profile at:
>> http://www.linkedin.com/in/**rjeffreyvincent<http://www.linkedin.com/in/rjeffreyvincent>
>> I ♥ DropBox <http://db.tt/9O6LfBX> !!

Jeff Vincent
See my LinkedIn profile at:
I ♥ DropBox <http://db.tt/9O6LfBX> !!

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