Which version of Jenkins are you using?

As there was an issue fixed on this recently, which was included in 1.468.

Is this the same issue?


On Tuesday, June 26, 2012 11:28:42 AM UTC+1, Sergey Irisov wrote:

> Hello. 
> I'm using Jenkins with nodelabel and parametrized trigger plugins to build 
> jobs on different slaves. 
> But here is problem. 
> When there are several jobs in queue with same node parameter (and slave 
> has only one executor), so target slave is busy and one job pending in 
> queue, Jenkins starts to turn on all other slaves (it's VM slaves, 
> configured with vSphere Cloud plugin), than turn off after idle timeout 
> (job still stay in queue and wait for proper slave).
> Slaves are configured with "use for tied jobs only" and "start on demand 
> and stop on idle" options.
> Jobs configured with default node parameter and hadn't enabled "Restrict 
> where this project can be run" option, so job actually does'n have tied 
> slave.
> I want that job just stay in queue and wait for its slave, and no other 
> slaves weren't run, if there are no jobs in queue for them.
> If it's only one job in queue and all slaves is offline, than Jenkins turn 
> on only right one.
> Is it incorrect configuration on my side or expected behavior on jenkins 
> side?
> Thank in advance,
> Sergey Irisov.

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