I have a potential use case....but I'm also new to Jenkins so this may be
doable today in a way that I have yet to learn.

In trying to resolve how to use Maven and Jenkins and create a continuous
delivery (CD) pipeline where each step in the pipeline progresses the state
such as: build->Unit Test->Deploy-dev->Integration
Tests->Deploy-stage->Load Tests->DeployLive (or something like this),  we
could have the functionality to run each pipeline stage as part of the same
source project and configured via various profiles/plugins in the Maven POM.

However, it seems that allowing any random slave to execute the various
steps in the pipeline would incur a lot of unneeded overhead by either
requiring the project and artifacts be archived and/or copied to each slave
at each point in the pipeline depending on who gets the job, or the same
source would need to be checked out and built for whichever phase is being
run.  Seems like a lot of unneeded overhead.

In my mind, it would make better sense to allow any random slave to pick up
and initiate a build pipeline, but lock the execution of the entire
pipeline to that slave+workspace until completion.

Is this already doable without too much hacking?
On Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 12:28 PM, Sami Tikka <sjti...@gmail.com> wrote:

> AFAIK there is no obvious way to do that in Jenkins. But if you tell
> us why you think you need this feature, maybe we can suggest other
> ways to solve your problem.
> -- Sami
> 2012/6/19 Thomas Sundberg <t...@kth.se>:
> > Hi!
> >
> > I have a distributed setup with many similar slaves. I have suites of
> > job that I need to have executed consecutive on the same slave. Is
> > there any good way to make sure that all jobs end up on the same
> > slave? It doesn't matter which slave as long as it is the same as the
> > initial job was started at.
> >
> > The way I do it today is to tie all jobs in one suite to the same
> > slave. It works ok. But I am looking for a way to utilise the usage of
> > the slaves a bit more and maybe have less slaves running.
> >
> > Any suggestions?
> >
> > /Thomas
> >
> > --
> > Thomas Sundberg
> > M. Sc. in Computer Science
> >
> > Mobile: +46 70 767 33 15
> > Blog: http://thomassundberg.wordpress.com/
> > Twitter: @thomassundberg
> >
> > Better software through faster feedback

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