Awesome. Let us know if you have any issues in the future.

On Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 11:44 AM, Manuel Dahmen <>wrote:

> 2012/6/19 Andrey Myatlyuk <>
>> So everything works now?
>> ah yeah!
>> On Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 10:47 AM, Manuel Dahmen 
>> <>wrote:
>>> ah the old path variable... mmumh
>>> 2012/6/19 Andrey Myatlyuk <>
>>>> Hi Manuel,
>>>> What do you see in the console when you execute:
>>>> $ java -version
>>> was =1.7.0
>>> NOW 1.6.0
>>>  I think about my (0) user...
>>>> To get back to 1.6 you will have to put it before 1.7 in PATH
>>>> environment variable. Can you check how is it set up now?
>>>> Can you also check $JAVA_HOME?
>>>> You should also try running your Ant script outside of Jenkins.
>>>> Andrey
>>>> On Jun 19, 2012, at 5:38 AM, Manuel Dahmen <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> What's this? What should I do?
>>>> How to revert to 1.6 (installed) instead?
>>>> Démarré par l'utilisateur anonymous <>
>>>> Building in workspace C:\Program Files\Jenkins\jobs\Empty Canvas\workspace
>>>> Checkout:workspace / C:\Program Files\Jenkins\jobs\Empty Canvas\workspace 
>>>> - hudson.remoting.LocalChannel@14955ec
>>>> Using strategy: Default
>>>> Last Built Revision: Revision ac75417fd0b8cfc90ab6271b1a26b0b14c638eb1 
>>>> (origin/master)
>>>> Fetching changes from 1 remote Git repository
>>>> Fetching upstream changes from
>>>> Commencing build of Revision ac75417fd0b8cfc90ab6271b1a26b0b14c638eb1 
>>>> (origin/master)
>>>> Checking out Revision ac75417fd0b8cfc90ab6271b1a26b0b14c638eb1 
>>>> (origin/master)
>>>> [workspace] $ cmd.exe /C '"C:\ant\bin\ant.bat && exit %%ERRORLEVEL%%"'
>>>> Buildfile: C:\Program Files\Jenkins\jobs\Empty Canvas\workspace\build.xml
>>>> *-pre-init*:
>>>> *-init-private*:
>>>> *-pre-init-libraries*:
>>>> *-init-private-libraries*:
>>>> *-init-libraries*:
>>>> *-init-user*:
>>>> *-init-project*:
>>>> *-init-macrodef-property*:
>>>> *-do-init*:
>>>> BUILD FAILEDC:\Program Files\Jenkins\jobs\Empty 
>>>> Canvas\workspace\nbproject\build-impl.xml:112: The J2SE Platform is not 
>>>> correctly set up.
>>>>  Your active platform is: JDK_1.7, but the corresponding property 
>>>> "platforms.JDK_1.7.home" is not found in the project's properties files.
>>>>  Either open the project in the IDE and setup the Platform with the same 
>>>> name or add it manually.
>>>>  For example like this:
>>>>      ant<path_to_property_file> jar (where you put 
>>>> the property "platforms.JDK_1.7.home" in a .properties file)
>>>>   or ant -Dplatforms.JDK_1.7.home=<path_to_JDK_home> jar (where no 
>>>> properties file is used)
>>>> Total time: 1 second
>>>> Build step 'Appeler Ant' marked build as failure
>>>> Impossible d'envoyer un e-mail vers manuel.dahmen parce qu'aucune adresse 
>>>> email n'est spécifiée et aucun domaine email n'est configuré
>>>> Impossible d'envoyer un e-mail vers Atelier parce qu'aucune adresse email 
>>>> n'est spécifiée et aucun domaine email n'est configuré
>>>> Sending e-mails to:
>>>> Finished: FAILURE
>>>> --
>>>> *Monsieur Manuel Dahmen*
>>>> *
>>>> *
>>>> Rue Fosse-aux-Raines, 30
>>>> B-4020 Liège
>>>> Tél:  +32476229105
>>>> Email :
>>> --
>>> *Monsieur Manuel Dahmen*
>>> *
>>> *
>>> Rue Fosse-aux-Raines, 30
>>> B-4020 Liège
>>> Tél:  +32476229105
>>> Email :
> --
> *Monsieur Manuel Dahmen*
> *
> *
> Rue Fosse-aux-Raines, 30
> B-4020 Liège
> Tél:  +32476229105
> Email :

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