That might be intentionally not supported.  Jenkins is a class-platform 
product, and if some platforms don't allow environment variables with empty 
values, this could cause inconsistent behavior.

[] On Behalf Of Grégory Boissinot
Sent: Monday, June 18, 2012 3:53 PM
Subject: Re: EnvInject plugin doesn't set empty variable

There is no way to do this feature into the EnvInject plugin for now.
It is often considered as an issue to have empty values for environment 
Which is exactly your use case?
On Fri, Jun 15, 2012 at 1:12 PM, 
<<>> wrote:
I am using the EnvInject plugin, and my job has "Inject environment variables 
to the build process" set.

My "Properties Content" section looks like this:

I want the keyring_location variable set, but empty (null). In bash, these are 
two different conditions. However, it looks as though the plugin is not setting 
the variable at all, rather than setting it to null. This feels like a bug. If 
I put the "keyring_location=" in the build section shell commands, it correct 
sets it to null as I require.

Is there a way to do this in the "Properties Content" section?


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