Hi, Quite often when starting a job on a Jenkins slave there is quite a sizeable delay before the job starts.
My setup is as follows: Jenkins Master (1.466) - WinSv 2003, physically located in Melbourne. Jenkins Slave (1.466 / 2.13) - Win 7, physically located in Montreal. Node Response Time averages around the 500ms mark. The job starts with the following in the console output: Started by upstream project "Run The Slave job" build number 101 Building remotely on Win7Box in workspace C:\Workspace Here it can stop for 5 minutes or more with just the "spinny disc dial thing" (seemed a good technical term!). Eventually, the job starts to run and no more delays occur: Updating http://svn.in.montreal.com/svn/my/repository At revision 168 no change for http://svn.in.montreal.com/svn/my/repository since the previous build [Master] $ cmd /c call C:\Users\qatester\AppData\Local\Temp \hudson3638314814503060690.bat ..... I've tried looking at logs and such like, but I don't really know what I'm looking for. I doesn't happen all the time, and is even rarer on a slave WinXP machine also in Montreal, also with a response time of around 500ms. With 20-30 jobs running, this is can be adding an extra hour or so to the overall processing time of all the jobs which is a touch frustrating. Anyone have any ideas? I realise I may not have provided enough info here to suitably diagnose a problem (if one really exists), so let me know what else I can provide especially in terms of any logging. Thanks for any assistance.