On Fri, Jun 1, 2012 at 4:18 PM, Prootwadl <rstei...@visi.com> wrote: > > (3) Ability to view Solaris Jenkins-generated Dashboard via Firefox > client residing on above server with X display piped through PuTTY to > XLiveCD-based X server running on Windows box. > > (4) Can't view from outside of the box. Ports are blocked. > > This setup works for me as long as I use Firebox on that box to point > to and pipe the display via X through the tunnel > created by PuTTY.
Not sure I completely followed that... Are you tunneling a whole X display just to see a web page on a firefox screen? Why not just tunnel port 8080 and run firefox locally. That is, in putty, ssh tunnels set a source 8080 and destination and when it is connected point your local firefox at > Good for me, and useful, but bad for folks with no > X server and/or no access to the Solaris server in question, and very > slow through existing VPN connection. Leave X out of the picture. And if there is an intermediate apache server you can use as a proxy, you could let it do the forwarding for you instead of a tunnel. > Any help would be appreciated! Has anyone found a way to get around a > similar situation? It is just a web page. All of the usual proxy/tunnel/port-forwarding techniques will work to make it appear elsewhere. The cleanest, if you have a suitable apache that the viewers can access that has back-end access to the jenkins, is a simple reverse-proxy setup, either over http or ajp. If you don't have that, everyone might have to do their own ssh/putty port forwarding. -- Les Mikesell lesmikes...@gmail.com