All of the content tokens are documented in the plugin's config areas.
There is a help link that expands and shows the available contents and how
to use them.

Sent from my Windows Phone
From: Scott Lavender
Sent: 6/1/2012 5:02 AM
To: Alex Earl
Subject: Re: Email-ext plugin issues

I got this to work for the subject line:

Packages created for ${ENV,var="MODULE"} -> ${ENV,var="PROJECT"}

But ${FILE, packages.txt} is not translated in the body. I'll try your

On Fri, Jun 1, 2012 at 7:58 AM, Alex Earl <> wrote:

> ${FILE, path="packages.txt"} is the correct syntax I believe. Can you post
> your usage of the parameters?
> Sent from my Windows Phone
> ------------------------------
> From: Scott Lavender
> Sent: 6/1/2012 4:34 AM
> To:
> Subject: Email-ext plugin issues
> I have two issues with this plugin:
> 1) If I include the following in my email contents, it is displayed
> literally instead of being translated:
> ${FILE, packages.txt}
> The file packages.txt does exist in the workspace root. Did I do this
> right?
> 2) Is it possible to include parameterized build variables in the SUBJECT
> or CONTENT sections of the email? I can't seem to get this to work...


*Scott Lavender | Cloud Release Engineer
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