Not sure this will work. But you might try the "Pre SCM BuildStep

- Check "Run buildstep before SCM runs"
- Add an "Execute shell" buildstep:
    echo >
    echo "TEST_RUN_JOBNAME=${TEST_RUN.jobName}" >>
    echo "TEST_RUN_NUMBER=${TEST_RUN.number}" >>
- Add an "Inject environment variables" step:
    Properties File Path:

With luck, you can now access your variables as ${TEST_RUN_JOBNAME}


On May 30, 8:03 pm, OSUBeavBane <> wrote:
> I'm a little bit of a noob to Jenkins and I'm having trouble
> discribing this so bear with me.
> For a while now we've been using Jenkins as a launching platform for
> our QA testing. We have a virtual machine that we revert and then we
> install various products on the machine. To give QA members
> flexibility the job that manages this has a few "Choice" parameters
> that can be used to select "Product" and "Version". Farther down on
> the configure page in "Set Environment Variables" I access the
> parameter as follows ${Product} and ${Version}.
> In active releases we have always just tested the latest build but my
> company now wants further granularity to test individual builds. I've
> been playing with the "Run" parameter and I can view/select an
> individual build and when I do this I can see the variable in the
> console displayed as follows:
> TEST_RUN=http://orl-reg-vsbld23:8080/hudson/job/Temp_Product/17/
> TEST_RUN.jobName=Temp_Product
> TEST_RUN.number=17
> I've been able to use "TEST_RUN" as ${TEST_RUN} but I actually don't
> want the URL I want the other 2 variables and I haven't had any luck
> accessing them. ${TEST_RUN.jobName} and ${TEST_RUN.number} don't seem
> to work and I've tried about 20 other ways to access these variables.
> Can anyone out there explain to me how to do this?
> Any help or links to educational resources would be greatly
> appreciated.

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