Something like this would be cool. Here's my usual workflow, 

- I talk to the users who filed issues in JIRA
- Ask them to help testing alpha versions
- I guesstimate when this version will be ready
- Attach the hpi to the issue at JIRA

- Work on any bugs found during this alpha test
- Follow a quick check list for my plug-in before releasing 

So if there was such repository I would deploy my plug-in there, and ask the 
testers to use that version and send me the feedback. One advantage that I see 
at your proposal, is that it would reach more users, as probably it is easier 
for them to check if there is a new version of their favorite plug-ins in this 
alternative update center, rather than keep looking for new JIRA issues for the 
plug-in component.


Bruno P. Kinoshita

> From: Slide <>
>Sent: Tuesday, 29 May 2012 1:43 PM
>Subject: Beta Channel for Update Center?
>In talking with a few people on IRC, it seems like several people have
>been bitten by some updates to plugins recently. I was wondering if it
>might be useful to have a beta release area, such that adventurous
>users could subscribe to that update center and get those plugin
>updates and provide feedback on them to the developer prior to going
>to the final release area. Any thoughts on this?

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