Hi Jenkins gurus, I'd like to draw pretty graphs/charts to track arbitrary statistics extracted from builds (right now, mostly performance logging, to catch any regressions). I have tried the Plot plugin https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Plot+Plugin, but I found it a bit rigid and cumbersome to use when a lot of data has been processed. Ideally, I'd like something more dynamic and also a feature when I can look at 1 graph with multiple jobs trends under it. There a lot of nice graphs (eg. build trends), but I'd need something more fine grained, focusing on a problem.
So would there be a better choice of a plugin? If not, anyone sees a point in starting developing such or extending the Plots? One idea I had integrating Google Charts to Jenkins -not sure about any better alternatives. Is the current Ruby plugin API suitable for this? thanks for listening, Gergo