"H" is a drop in for any of the time slots and/or *, so it felt natural 
(for me) to try "H/5".

To explain that in a different way, I was attempting to say "poll every 5 
minutes if nothing is polling, wait for that to finish otherwise".

With that out there, if I just leave everything "*/5 * * * *", and wanted 
things to poll in isolation, couldn't I turn down the concurrent polling 
down to 1?

IIUC - with the "H" option, jenkins would decide how to split things up and 
I could leave the concurrent polling unbounded (which is a better option 

I wonder if that would eventually prevent things from getting a chance to 
poll at all....

On Wednesday, May 23, 2012 6:09:39 PM UTC-4, Kohsuke Kawaguchi wrote:
> Thanks for an interesting use case. 
> */5 is just a short hand for 0-60/5, so I guess the general case that 
> needs to be considered here is how to use hash in "(s-e)/d" construct. 
> What's the good syntax here? H(s-e)/d? H(*)/d vs H/d? 

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